Vision and Learning

Binocular Vision Impairments

3D Stereo Vision

  • 3D Vision (Binocular Vision)
    How does it work? Why do we need it?
  • Eye Doctors and 3D Vision
    Eye doctors use stereoscopic 3D images to develop and reinforce 3D vision.
  • The Stereo Vision Project
    What is stereo vision? What is a binocular (two-eyed) vision impairment?
    Learn to see in 3D! Visit the 3D Art Gallery and view Magic Eye stereograms, stereo photographs, optical illusions, and much more.

General Resources

Optometric Organizations

  • COVD — The College of Optometrists in Vision Development
    An international professional optometric organization which grants board certification in Vision Therapy to optometrists (FCOVD)
  • AOA — The American Optometric Association
    The American Optometric Association represents approximately 36,000 doctors of optometry, optometry students and paraoptometric assistants and technicians. Doctors of optometry provide two-thirds of all primary eye care in the United States.
  • OEPF — Optometric Extension Program Foundation
    Serving the educational needs of optometrists.
  • NORA — Neuro Optometric Rehabilitation Association International, Inc.
    An organization which provides direction for the visual rehabilitation of the neurologically and cognitively injured and disabled survivor population, including people who have physical disabilities and traumatic brain injuries (TBI).
  • Optometrists Network
    An international network of optometrists, primarily in the United States